mysqlconnect/db server: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)
    while executing
"open "
    (object "::mysql1" method "::DIO::Mysql::exec" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"exec $req"
    (object "::mysql1" method "::DIO::Database::store" body line 11)
    invoked from within
"$dioObject store a -table $sessionTable -keyfield $kf"
    (object "::SESSION" method "::Session::create_session" body line 12)
    invoked from within
    (object "::SESSION" method "::Session::activate" body line 21)
    invoked from within
"::SESSION activate"
    (file "/home/manghi/erice/before.tcl" line 12)
    invoked from within
"source $::rivetweb::site_before_script"
    (in namespace eval "::rivetweb" script line 50)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval ::rivetweb {

    ::rivet::apache_log_error debug "running rivetweb request handler ([pwd])"

# determining if the 'rewrite_par' argume..."
    (file "/home/manghi/rivetweb/tcl/before.tcl" line 14)
    invoked from within
"source [file join $rweb_root tcl before.tcl]"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $script"
    ("::try" body line 6)


source [file join $rweb_root tcl before.tcl]