Göran Ericsson
Urban mammals in Sweden

My tenured professorship focuses on three main topics; plant-animal interactions and animal ecology, the use of the biological resource base (e.g. wildlife, forests) in the boreal landscapes and the human user groups (e.g. hunters, tourists) and interactions between the resource base and the users. As the strategic leader of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) competence area "Animal Ecology" I promote and encourage basic research, their application for a wider societal user, and outreach. We study a wide range of topics from herbivore-plant interactions via animal ecology, forestry, arctic issues, physiological stress in animals, adaptive natural resource management, to a range of human interactions with wildlife. A key feature of our studies is multi-species habitat use and movement ecology. In Europe I am one of the forerunners in the studies of the human dimensions of wildlife.

Personal Website and Publications
